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resin art how to make resin art

Resin art is the use of resin to make different art projects. Resin is an essential material for resin art. This is a liquid substance that turns into glossy solid once cured. When you add pigments to the resin, it creates visual effects in resin artworks.

Resin art is very popular among artists because it enables them to produce various objects from paintings to jewelry. Users find its shiny appearance attractive and this makes it an amazing material with endless possibilities.

However, you might be wondering if resin art is suitable for your artistic skills?

In this article, we’ll explain how to create resin molds, resin art and suggest you necessary materials and tools and step-by-step approaches. We’ll guide you how to handle troubleshooting situations and mold maintenance practices.

So keep reading to become a resin art expert!

women holding a resin art she made herself

What Type of Resin is Suitable for Resin Art?

Before starting resin art, you must know what resin to choose to start the resin art project. Let’s explore two fundamental options for resin include epoxy resin and casting resin.

  • Epoxy Resin

The combination of two-component Epoxy Resin forms a lasting glossy surface after mixing occurs. The formula of art resin epoxy makes it suitable for artwork by providing clarity with low odor and no toxicity. Art resin epoxy serves as a suitable finish material for art as well as resin paintings and small craft items. Art resin and epoxy are best choices for beginner users since they provide both user-friendly performance and safety features.

  • Casting Resin

Casting resin functions as an epoxy mold material. The extended curing period of casting resin enables users to create thick 3D items including jewelry pieces and coasters. Select this resin as your mold-based project epoxy because it produces uniform curing and eliminates bubbles in large amounts.


Essential Supplies for Beginner Resin Artists

So are you ready to start your first resin art project? A successful resin art project requires proper supplies and accessories. Now let’s explain the fundamental tools along with necessary materials required for starting your resin artwork.

  • Resin

If you’re a beginner resin artist, you should consider using Pourla’s Art Epoxy because it provides both a non-toxic composition and a low-odor formula with crystal-clear finishing. You should consider resin products that explicitly mention art or craft usage as recommended alternatives.

  • Hardner

Hardener functions as the substance which triggers resin to solidify. Following the correct mixing ratio as specified by the manufacturer is a very important step for art resin because the ratio usually stands at 1:1 volume.

  • Molds

Silicone molds provide the best mold option for art resin. The molds offer numerous shapes and sizes which makes it simple to create various objects like jewelry along with coasters.

  • Pigments

The best choice for coloring your resin should be resin-specific pigments and dyes. Resin products are available either as liquids or powders. Use your creativity to mix colors in different ways because it will allow you to create distinctive visual results. 

  • Mixing Cups and Stir Sticks

Resin mixing becomes simpler through the use of disposable plastic cups together with stir sticks. Use stir sticks to blend resin and hardener perfectly while creating a uniform mixture. You can utilize reusable silicone mixing cups but you must thoroughly clean them post each application.

  • Protective Gear

Using nitrile gloves enables you to protect your skin against exposure to resin. A respirator or mask should be used for protection during resin work especially when handling large amounts or when working in spaces with poor ventilation.

  • Work Surface Protection

You should use drop cloths or plastic sheeting to cover your work area because they will protect it from both drips and spills. The cured resin becomes challenging to take off from surfaces.

  • Heat Gun

The application of heat through either a heat gun or butane torch enables users to eliminate air bubbles from the resin after it has been poured. Apply short sweeping motions on the resin while avoiding any scorching damage.

  • Level

A flat working surface must be maintained at level positions because it enables uniform resin distribution. A tiny level provides the necessary tool to create smooth and uniform resin finishes.

If you’ve all the necessary accessories and best epoxy art resin, you’ll begin exploring resin art effectively. Always consider safety first and adhere to the manufacturer guidance for each product use.

How to Set Up Your Resin Art Workspace?

A specific space designed for resin art work represents a fundamental requirement for achieving resin art success. The preparation of your work area leads to both safer artistic flow and better quality resin artwork outcomes.

Consider a space where you have proper ventilation when working with resin. Open a window or door to create airflow which will reduce any trace of fumes. You should work with the resin at a temperature between 70-75°F (21-24°C) and avoid hot or cold rooms. Proper light plays a crucial role as it enables you to see your work clearly.

When you’re about to pour resin, make sure that you’ve a level work surface and check it with a level before proceeding. A level tool helps you confirm the surface level and make necessary adjustments.

Keep your resin art supplies near so that you can access them easily when needed. Place all of your materials near your work area to avoid looking for things during the process.

Position all your resin materials and hardener and pigments and mixing cups and stir sticks on the protected surface area. Get trays and organizers to maintain proper organization in your work area.

making resin art in progress

9 Steps Guide on How to Make Resin Art

You have decided to create resin art so the next steps become essential. This guide presents step-by-step instructions which will help you create perfect resin art. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Planning Your Design

The first step is to choose your artwork design. Begin by deciding the color scheme along with the ways your selected colors will connect with one another. Consider these points:

  • Do you have a favorite color scheme?
  • How will the colors interact?

Research abstract design methods as well as techniques for object embedding. Draw out your selected project design starting with coasters jewelry then sculptures before proceeding. Well-defined planning helps the entire production flow more easily.

The mold and resin choices will benefit from your design shape and dimensions. Get creative and experiment! You can discover inspiration at any place and enjoy the process of discovery.

Step 2: Preparing Your Mold or Surface

Moving forward you need to prepare your mold or surface. The mold must be totally free from dust and debris before starting the process. Make sure that you clean the mold surface for a flawless surface. Apply a sealant on porous mold materials before proceeding. The resin cannot attach to your object after sealing so you can easily remove it from the mold. The process of mold release requires either mold release spray or petroleum jelly applied thinly.

When shaping resin on a flat surface instead of using a mold, you should ensure that the surface is clean with a leveled top. Any imperfections in the surface will cause resin to accumulate in specific areas and result in an uneven curing process. Before pouring resin use drop cloths or plastic sheeting or wax paper to protect your surface. The curing process makes resin difficult to remove therefore this protective measure will prevent unwanted incidents.

Step 3: Measuring and Mixing Resin and Hardener

This is a crucial step! Proper cure requires exact ratios when preparing the mixture. Read the manufacturer guidelines concerning your resin product. The majority of art resins require customers to mix their resin with their hardener at a 1:1 ratio.

Add the resin and hardener into the mixing cup and mix them according to the required ratio. Now, the mixing begins! Mix the compounds slowly with thorough motions for about several minutes. Use a scraping motion to blend all components together from the sides and bottom of the cup.

A cure that is both sticky and uneven will result from improper mixing of resin materials.

Step 4: Adding Pigments and Dyes

Time to add some color! After mixing the resin with its hardener, you should add pigments or dyes to the combined material. Use only a tiny amount of pigment before mixing it with complete thoroughness. Start with adding small color quantities because you cannot recover the color that you add too much. Slight and careful mixing technique prevents the formation of bubbles in the resin.

The resin mixture can be separated into different cups to add distinct pigments that will create different color effects. Test out various color pairings as well as techniques which allow you to achieve special designs and patterns in your swirls.

Step 5: Pouring the Resin

The most crucial step starts now with resin filling. Add your resin through a steady stream into your chosen mold. The resin needs to enter the deepest area of the mold first so it will distribute outward naturally. The resin needs to be poured from the middle of flat surfaces and it will automatically spread itself out.

The method for pouring resin between different colors enables you to achieve unique visual effects through various pouring approaches. Consider these options:

  • Layering the colors
  • Swirling them together
  • Using a "dirty pour" technique

Step 6: Removing Bubbles

Air bubbles remain a typical problem in resin art which artists can effortlessly resolve. A butane torch or heat gun should be used to eliminate bubbles which form on top of the resin surface.

Position the heat source above the resin with a distance of a few inches and execute quick scanning movements. The heat applied to the surface will activate bubbles to reach the top where they dissolve.

Avoid heating the resin to extreme temperatures because high heat can lead to premature curing or even scorches the surface.

Step 7: Curing the Resin

Follow resin curing instructions for recommended duration because this time depends both on resin brand type and the depth of your resin pour. Place the resin out of dust particles while refraining from disturbing it when it cures. The best temperature for resin curing should be maintained at 70-75 °F (21-24 °C).

The duration needed for curing the resin spans between hours and days according to manufacturer recommendations. Wait until the resin reaches complete hardness before you proceed to the upcoming step.

Step 8: Demolding Your Artwork

The artwork requires full resin curing before you proceed with the demolding process. After the silicone mold cures, you need to lightly bend the mold to free the resin artwork. A mold release tool serves as a helpful tool for releasing edges from molds that are not made from silicone.

When releasing the resin, avoid applying excessive force because it could lead to cracking or breaking. A stuck resin can be released through gentle mold tapping or by placing it in the freezer for short periods to allow contraction.

Step 9: Finishing Touches

The final stage of your resin artwork production is about to wrap up. You can finalize your resin artwork with any desired finishing work. You can apply sandpaper to address rough edges or imperfections. Use coarse sandpaper at first then steadily advance to refined sandpaper to achieve a glossy look.

To protect the resin and make it shine, consider using a finishing spray or sealant. Your resin artwork reaches completion and waits to be showcased as an enjoyable piece.

Beginner-Friendly Resin Art Project Ideas

We know that you’re excited to start your first resin artwork project. But wait! What will you create first? Let’s look at some inspirations that are simple as well as easy for newbies.

Below you will find several suggestions that will guide you toward creating your first resin artworks.

  • Make personalized coasters through clear resin embedding of dried flowers or small objects and glitter. (Example Video)
  • Jewelry pendant creation occurs when you add charms and beads to resin-filled jewelry molds.
  • You can personalize keychains through the process of embedding photos along with initials and small trinkets in resin before adding a keychain finding. (Example Video)
  • You can produce practical and stylish paperweights through resin casting that incorporates crystals shells or small models into the resin material.
  • You can design elegant trays through the process of pouring resin either on flat surfaces or inside tray molds then adding various pigments and decorative details. (Example Video)

Through these projects, you can begin your experience with resin art and learn to test different colors together with various embedded items as well as different mold shapes. After some basic practice, you will produce stunning resin artwork quickly.

Tips and Tricks for Success in Resin Artwork

Professional results in resin art can be achieved following these effective methods along with avoiding common errors. The provided techniques serve two purposes: they help you create professional outcomes and they prevent common mistakes.

You should use high quality Pourla Art Epoxy to obtain crystal clear results. Mix slowly and thoroughly. The resin requires slight warming before you begin mixing it. Apply a heat gun or torch after finishing the pouring process.

Slight mixing motions combined with no vigorous whipping techniques will help you create better results. Linch the resin flow at a low position while maintaining a controlled speed. Use a heat gun or torch. Seal embedded objects first.

Try different pigments and dyes to experiment during your work. Start small and add gradually. Mix thoroughly. While transparent colors require dyes as ingredients, opaque colors need pigments.

The production of special effects emerges through blending different colored resin materials. Use various pouring techniques. Add metallic powders or glitter. Embed objects.

Users should apply a thin resin layer to fix tackiness issues. The curing process will remain smooth when you establish flat surfaces at consistent temperature conditions. For other problems seek research-based solutions.


Resin art gives artists powerful creative tools to create innovative artwork that leads to fulfilling artistic pursuits. Using this indepth resin artwork guide will help you develop better skills while making beautiful artwork and solving typical challenges.

The more you practice alongside patience will lead to discovering fresh techniques which will help you create your distinctive artistic style. Make sure to gather your materials while you accept the learning journey and make sure to enjoy releasing your creative thoughts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is resin art expensive?

Ans. The initial cost of resin art supplies involves expenses yet small projects remain accessible to most budgets. Resin prices depend on the resin quality level and the size of the project.

Is resin art difficult for beginners?

Ans. No, resin art is beginner-friendly! Beginners should start with basic projects before progressing toward advanced techniques.

How long does resin take to cure?

Ans. The curing process for resin depends on resin type and thickness which leads to periods from 24 hours to 72 hours. Check your resin's instructions.

Can I use any type of mold?

Ans. Silicone molds prove most suitable for new resin artists because they remain flexible and offer easy operation. Additional mold materials need the use of release agents for successful use.

How do I clean up resin spills?

Ans. To clean spillages, you must use paper towels in combination with isopropyl alcohol. It takes effort to eliminate cured resin.

What is the shelf life of resin?

Ans. The average shelf life duration for resin is about one year. To extend the lifespan of resin, you should store it appropriately in a dry environment with cool temperatures.

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